Since we returned from Namibia, we have been busy. The bead making group, sponsored by Mothers for All, for orphan caregivers has been trained and the women are working hard at practicing making jewelry from magazines and other types of paper. We finally had the Employee Wellness fair on Thursday and it went very well. Lots of people came for HIV testing, BP screening, Diabetes screening, BMI calculation, oral health screening, eye screening and information on STIs, nutrition, breast cancer, cervical cancer, etc. I was elected as the one to give nutritional information, while Richard did the opening prayer.
Last weekend was a three day weekend so we went to the Maun music festival. We had a great time connecting with friends. This week, we had a couple from the new Peace Corps group shadow us for a few days. We took them, along with the District AIDS Coordinator and a couple other volunteers, to Tsodilo Hills yesterday to see the San rock art paintings. They also got a good view of how the area has flooded because the water was all the way to the road in some spots. The water in our house is still going on and off. Even though the rainy season is over, it rained a few times in the last week, though the flooding is coming from Angola.