A wonderful thing happened this weekend- we got water back in our village. There has been a lot of flooding in the Okavango because of heavy rains in Angola and DRC. Several villages in the area are heavily flooded and we hear there is more to come. We are not close enough to the water to be flooded; however, the water plant in Sepopa, which supplies our water, flooded a couple of weeks ago. As a result, we didn’t have water in Gumare for two weeks. We are luckier than most because we have a Jo-Jo, which collects rainwater, in our yard as an alternate source of water. We have been sharing with people in the village who do not have an alternate source, although we have to be careful not to run out of water all together. Unfortunately, the toilets at work weren’t working and there was no alternate place (i.e. pit latrine) to go the bathroom all day. The village finally got the back-up generator up and running this weekend so we have water now, although off and on.
We had a 4 day weekend because of Good Friday and Easter Monday. We spent a couple days in Maun visiting friends and hanging out, then spent a couple days reading and relaxing at home. We are headed to Namibia this weekend for vacation for a little over a week. Although we are sad it’s not Madagascar, it is still much needed time away.
This weekend marks one year in Botswana. I can’t believe how time flew!!! The new group (Bots 8) will be arriving this weekend for their 2 month training and most of the group that arrived the year before us (Bots 6) will be leaving at the end of next month.
May will be a busy month. I arranged for teacher from Gaborone, who does work with the Malaria Foundation, come do malaria training for 25 students at the junior secondary school so they can form a Students Against Malaria group and provide education in the community. Then a NGO called Mothers for All, started by a PCV, will be coming to train 2 groups of 6 orphan caregivers in Gumare on how to make beads from magazines and paper for the purpose of income generation. We are hoping to get those groups going strong after the initial training. We are also holding an Employee Wellness Day in May, which I am helping organize. The schools are on break now until the first week in May so I hope to get the GLOW club going again when the students return. I am fundraising now for a regional GLOW camp in our district in August so I have been doing a lot of calling and emailing around for that.