The time has finally come. We are reporting to Philadelphia tomorrow (Wednesday) for staging, which is Peace Corps's orientation. On Friday, our pug Maggie went to her foster family, which was very hard for us. We had our goodbye party in New York on Saturday (thanks to everyone who came-we'll miss you!!). Finally, on Sunday we left New York City to go to New Jersey to say goodbye to my parents.
The plan is to attend staging on Wednesday and Thursday. We will meet all the our fellow future Botswana Peace Corps volunteers, which we are looking forward to. On Friday, we will all begin our flight to Johannesburg and arrive on Saturday. After a night in Johannesburg, we will be bused to Gaborone, Botswana where we will spend a few days before being transferred to our homestay to begin training.
Here is our temporary mailing address in Botswana (until we get our site assignment in June):
Stacy Wallick and/or Richard Rain
U.S. Peace Corps
Private Bag 00243