This last Saturday was the annual Okavango District Home Economics Craft Show organized by the Home Economics officer in our department. It took place in Gumare and featured woodwork, beadwork, leatherwork, and basketry. My committee (solo) was publicity so I helped by making fliers, brochures, business cards, name tags, etc. The Okavango is actually known for its baskets (often called Ngamiland baskets). The baskets are very beautiful and intricately done. It is said that some baskets are woven so tight that they can hold sorghum beer. The exhibits at the craft show were judged and the winners are being sent to the capital for the national competition. Several Peace Corps volunteers came to the craft show (cheap baskets) so it was nice to see them.
Our pack of dogs continues to increase. In addition to the trail of dogs that follow us wherever we go, we now have 4 dogs that sleep on our porch at night, including our puppy Peba, an ex-volunteer’s dog named Skye, and 2 abandoned dogs Lady and Buster. The community knows us not only for being the local PCV’s, but also being the couple with many dogs. Our female dog Lady was in heat last week, so every male dog within a two kilometer radius was hanging out in front of our place

waiting for a chance to violate her. There is a government vet that comes a few times a year to spay and neuter dogs (for free), but unfortunately he is not coming to September or October so it will be too late for Lady, who will probably be ready to give birth by then.
Richard is leaving today for a work trip- a program called Taking Services to the People. People from different departments go on a 17 day trip to visit villages in the district and bring services that are not normally readily accessible. Richard is only going until Wednesday or Thursday because we are going to my counterpart’s wedding next weekend.