Sunday, May 4, 2008

Week 3

We are now entering our 3rd week of training. Our Setswana language skills are slowly improving. We can now say more than greetings and intructions. I can now name all the farm animals we see here- cows, goats, chickens,etc. Things are going well with our host family, who are helping us learn the language and the culture.

We are very excited that we get to shadow a current Peace Corps volunteer this week. It will be nice to have a break from classes and to see another part of Botswana. We are going a site in the Kalahari Desert- the town of D'Kar. Many San live in the area so it should be interesting to see their culture.

So we have officially missed having a summer this year. It is now winter here and it is suprisingly cold. We sleep with two warm blankets at night.