This is the beginning of our blog/website. Richard and I are leaving for the Peace Corps in Botswana in mid-April. My assignment is Community Capacity Building for HIV/AIDS and Richard's assignment is working with a District AIDS Coordinator. Unfortunately, we won't find out more details, such as the location of our placement in Botswana or job details, until we finish our 9 week in-country training in June 2008.

We received our nomination in May, followed by our official Peace Corps invitation in November. During this time, Richard and I remained busy. In May, we both finished our second Master's degrees at NYU (mine was in International Public Health and Richard's was in Urban Planning). Richard continued working in the municipal planning office in Hastings-on-the-Hudson. I was a group leader for Operation Crossroads Africa. I led a group of nine to Uganda, for 2 months this summer, to complete a community health project, which involved doing health needs assessments in rural villages and organizing clinic days to respond to those health needs. In September, Richard and I left for Eastern Europe. We visited Krakow, Budapest, Prague, Berlin, and Romania, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, and Slovenia. We then traveled on the trans-Siberian railroad from Russia to Mongolia to China. was an amazing trip!!! At the end of our trip, I traveled for two additional weeks with Jen P in northern Thailand and Laos. Richard and I returned in time to spend the holidays with family.